Linux Subsystem for Windows 10 in 3 Steps to Install

Linux Subsystem for Windows

Lately, some people interest to have a Linux subsystem for Windows. They want to install on their Window 10 to get some advantages. For your information that this layer does to work for Windows under Windows 10. However, there are several things that you must understand before running this software in your PC. Then, you must understand some troubleshoot which you may meet later. Along with how to install Linux Subsystem for Windows 10, you will reveal it. So, prepare some note if you feel it necessary. Let’s go!

How to install Linux Subsystem for Windows in 3 Steps

Do you confuse to describe what Linux subsystem for Windows 10? Officially, it is compatible with another popular name of WSL or Windows Subsystem for Linux. It works to undergo Linx Biner naturally in Windows 10, Canonical, and Microsoft. WSL works to activate Ubuntu Trusty Tahr and it provides a suitable Linux kernel interface for Microsoft. To install Linux Subsystem for Windows 10, you can pass 3 following steps:

1. Go to the PowerShell to activate the subsystem

Let’s click the Start Menu in your PC which has Windows 10 to find the “PowerShell”. Next, double-clicking “Run as Administrator” to activate the subsystem. You will meet a command where you should copy it and paste to PowerShell command line.

Here, you will do it by clicking twice or use the right-clicking on the command line and then press “Enter”. You will Activate Windows-Optional-Feature Online before continue to activate the Feature-Name-Microsoft. After finishing both activations, you can activate Windows-Subsystem-Linux in your PC. Afterward, the computer asks for restarting the system only by pressing “Y”.

2. Use Windows Store to install Distro Linux

The next step to install the Linux subsystem for Windows 10 is visiting Windows Store. When you visit, you will get three options of Distro Linux for installation. From the third choices, you must choose Ubuntu by clicking it. Afterward, your Windows start to download this distro and you quite wait for the installation until finish.

3. Launch and Run

Finally, the process to download Ubuntu finishes so that you will continue to install. In this part, you will install by clicking the “Launch” button. It does not matter if you do not want to launch it but you must find Ubuntu in Windows search menu. Then, you will install and wait for it until finish the same like before. Here, you should enter your UNIX username and password.

Some Essential Things that you must know

WSL has been existing since several years ago but the latest version comes with a more innovative system. Nonetheless, it still some weaknesses and troubleshoot. Before installing Linux Subsystem for Windows 10, you should also understand both important things. At least, there are 2 weaknesses such as below:

Nonetheless, those problems have an excellent solution where they can be a few advantages for the users. For the first case, the Linux subsystem only works slowly in the installation process. Besides that, it always presents an exceptional performance with its efficient searching. For the second problem, it has been preparing a Virtual Machine that gives a fantastic solution. This tool is ready to overcome the slowness of two OS systems that run together.

Alongside giving two weaknesses, WSL also often shows two kinds of troubleshooting. However, the following troubleshooting has found the solution such as below:

The failure of the installation is because WSL only run in the drive system in the Drive C. Do not worry and you can start to overcome with ensuring that you store the distros the drive system. How to ensure that you have stored it is through open Setting and goes on Storage for More Storage Setting.

The second common failure occurs on WSL’s error with enabling the optional component. Even though, you can fix with opening Control Panel and continue to Programs and Features. Next, you should turn on or turn off Windows Feature. The last step that you have to conduct is using PowerShell cmdlet or checking Windows Subsystem for Linux or use PowerShell cmdlet.

6 Advantages of running Linux Subsystem

Humans never want to use something without any advantages for them. They have to get it although only one benefit it does not matter what sector they take. When you install Linux Subsystem for Windows 10, of course, you hope to get a little bit advantages. Fortunately, this page knows what each reader thinks so that it shares 6 benefits of running Linux subsystem. It consists of:

Such as you read above, Window Stores sell three kinds of distros. It turns out they come for free to select both Ubuntu, Open Suse, Debian, and Kali. Of course, you know what you need to install.

WSL also eases you to run command line such as awk, grep, sed, and so on.

Then, you can run Bash Shell script and other applications of the command line. It consists of Tools (emacs, vim, UNIX). Language includes javascript / node.js, Ruby, Python, C / C ++, C # & F #, Rust, and Go. There are some services of Apache, Lighttpd, MySQL, sshd.

Talking on Linux Subsystem for Windows 10 does not only about installation. The information above is sure important and have a relationship when you want to install. Okay, take all advantages and apply how to install above. Is this your first time acknowledging with WSL? Make this information as your step to get a new amazing experience in your life. Good luck!

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