Layla Hero Guide in Mobile Legends-Kill Your Enemy From Long Distance

Layla Hero Guide, layla hero

Well, Layla is the first hero that gamer gonna play at the first time on Mobile Legends game. As the one of Marksman hero that can be easier to be used and add with the output damage, it makes Layla become the favorite hero. Besides that, Layla hero also the most hero that has the attack ability from far direction than the other marksman hero. Her passive skill also supports it, the most far the enemy that you gonna fight, then the higher damage that you’ll get. This hero also called as the nuker because she has 3 abilities or skill which can produce the bigger damage. With that superiority, she could fill the lane mid even she is all alone. Let’s continue to know more about Layla hero guide in Mobile legends.

Layla Hero Guide in Mobile Legends

Those things also balance with the less mobility from Layla hero, without any skill to move likes Karrie or Lesley, it makes Layla become the easy target to be killed. Fortunately, the spell flicker could handle it. In other side, the Spell Flicker usage must be purchased with the inspiration that so helpful on face many kinds of enemies at once. Layla hero can speed up her farming by killing the creep on the jungle while filling the lane mid.

When she was farming in the jungle, don’t ever save your Mana and the ability that you have. Spam the Malefic Bomb ability to kill that creep, you can also use the Vaoid Projectile that you need. Kill the creep at the jungle as faster as possible and go back to the lane that you fill. This thing aimed for avoiding lost the experience and the gold that you can get from the creep lane actually. Let’s learn about the superiority and the weakness in layla hero guide mobile legends.

The Superiority Of Layla Hero

Even actually Layla is include as the nuker hero, but if it uses the right item, she could become the great semi-carry team.

  • Easy to use.
  • Have the farthest attack on Mobile Legends game
  • Can kill all over her enemies one by one at once when Layla hero in a right position.

The Weakness Of Layla Hero

Layla don’t have any defense mechanism at all. Layla could be getting weak if she faces with the enemy who can come to her quickly such as the Saber, the Hayabusa, and etc. So that, the battle spell could cover it all, likes the Flicker maybe.

  • Getting weak.
  • Don’t have any movement addition at all.

The Best Recommended Build Item Of Layla Hero

1. The Haa’s Claws item

This is the first important thing to can be saved in layla hero guide mobile legends. The life steal inside was so helpful when she face with the enemy those who have many Health Point (HP) . The combination from this physical damage addition item and the passive skill hero to give much more damage to the more far enemy and Layla is the nightmare for the hero on Mobile Legends with low Health Point (HP).

2. The Tooth of Greed item

With this item, Layla hero could survive and fight in a lane is the one of the key of victories on Mobile Legends game. So that, you so need this item to get survive your lane while attacking your enemy on that determined lane.

3. The Berserker’s Furry item

This item will add the run out damage significantly. The damage of course, gonna give an effect on the life steal. The hight critical presentation will make the enemy couldn’t move at all.

4. The Thor’s Sting item

With this item, you will get the great mobility and attack. You could visit the other lanes to help your friends faster. You can also check around the jungle and kill out the creep on the jungle faster. Besides that, this item will put Layla in a right position when Layla get in a fight with the enemy.

5. The Swift Boots item

Next of build item in layla hero guide is the swift boots item. The swift boots item would increase the movement speed and the attack speed, so that it will make the hero mobility is increased. With this item, wriggle out from the enemy attack easier. Besides that, the Swift Boots item also help Layla to get entrance to the team fight faster. This is the most suitable boots for Layla or even you can compare it with the other, the Rapid Boots is the answer.

6. The Blade of Destruction item.

Well, actually, you can change the list of Thor’s Sting purchase with the Blade of Destruction. But, as the solo mid lane hero, you need a high mobility, so that, you’d be better of buy the Thor’s Sting first than this item.

7. The Scarlet Phantom Item.

This item increase the movement speed faster and completed with the passive frenzy which increasing the attack speed to 25% when doing critical. So that, it will make the enemy think again to get close with Layla, or even you use it in a right way, Layla could kill her enemy without in a close direction. This item gonna useful if get along with the Berseker’s Fury.

8. The Malefic Roar item.

This item will give the additional damage for 20% to the turret. This item will more useful on a pushed lane. The great player will clean up the lane from the enemies turret.

9. The Demons Hunter Sword.

This item will complete the way how Layla kill. Increasing the attack speed and the Passive Devour with the life steal effect make Layla can’t be stopped with anyone else.

10. The Wind Chaser Item

This is a right item on a late game. With this item you could penetrate your enemy physical for 40% in a fight. Use it for the enemy those who have been paid so many armors.

So guys, those are the Layla Hero Guide in Mobile Legends, good luck and have a nice trying.


  1. […] The second recommendation best heroes for beginner in mobile legends is Layla. Layla as the one of marksman role type that owned by the player. Layla has the passive attack skill from far direction than the other marksman. Layla has 3 skills that can be used based on the guide of layla: […]


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