Dual Boot Ubuntu and Windows 10 – Easy Installation Guide for Beginner

Dual Boot Ubuntu and Windows 10

Many of you may ask the easiest way to do a dual boot Ubuntu and Windows 10 guidance. No wonder that everyone is looking for the easiest hard. And for the beginners or those who don’t know about the installation, it would be hard to do the installation without guidance. So, the easiest guidance of this dual booth APPis the thing they will look for. To install Ubuntu alongside Windows 10, you can follow some steps below.

Dual Boot Ubuntu and Windows 10 – Preparation

There are many preparations that you need to do before doing the installation. The preparation aims to make sure that you run the installation smoothly. Besides, if there is something goes wrong you can avoid it. These are all the things you need to prepare:

  1. Pc/laptop with either Ubuntu or Windows 10 installed.
  2. Ubuntu ISO that already burned in USB or DVD
  3. Windows backup. This is optional but it would be recommended to keep your data.
  4. Bootable Windows 10 or Ubuntu in USB. This is also optional because this will help you, such as there is something goes wrong with the installation.

And you need to understand that there are some different method to do the dual boot. Lucky that Ubuntu itself has the system to make the dual installation. You can make it as one installation or make them as separated installation.

As part of the preparation, you will need to understand the partition that will help you to do the dual boot. it is important to know the partition before doing the installation. For this dual boot Ubuntu and Windows 10, at least we will need three additional partitions.

Partitions For Dual Boot

1. Boot partition where we will put the GRUB because we don’t put the GRUP in MBR as one with Windows boot manager. You need at least 500 MB for this partition.

2. Root partition where we will install the Ubuntu. When you create the partition as part of the process below, you will need to remember to make it more than 10 GB.

3. Swap partition to swap the file. This partition will be useful if Ubuntu needs additional memory. For this partition, it is recommended to have space around 4GB or two-times of RAM space size.

There another partition called Home partition as an optional thing for this dual boot Ubuntu and Windows 10 process. You can add it or make it as one with the root partition. Home partition is the place where you save files such as music, document, and pictures. After you understand this, you can go to the process of the dual installation.

Installation Guidelines

And here we will start to guide you to make the installation of dual boot Ubuntu and Windows 10. Our method is using a separated installation which means separating the boot manager of Ubuntu and the Windows. The aim is to keep the boot manager of Windows when we reinstall the Windows.

1. Backup the file

First thing you should do before doing dual boot Ubuntu and Windows 10 is to make the data backup. Back up is important to keep your important file on the computer. This is optional but strongly recommended to avoid bad things if there is something wrong with the system. You can either save the important file to another USB or hard disk.

2. Creating live Ubuntu through disk/USB

The second important step is to create a live USB/disk of Ubuntu. You can use the installer application such as Universal USB Installer or Rufus. USB is preferable if you don’t have the disk drive. If you have the disk, just burn the file Ubuntu ISO.

After you are done with this, you may disable the fast startup in your Windows. This is optional but it will be better and benefit you if you make it. You can go to control panel and search the menu System Settings. Find the option “Choose what the power buttons do then uncheck the menu “turn on fast startup box”.

3. Booting to Bootable Ubuntu

The next step is to boot to the Ubuntu bootable by putting the USB/disk of Ubuntu installer, then boot it. You can set the boot through the BIOS setting and go to the boot option when your PC is booting. You may press F12, ESC depends on your PC.

4. Creating the Ubuntu partition

This is one of the most important things on this dual boot Ubuntu and Windows 10 process. When you got to the booting of Ubuntu installer, you will see some menu such as try Ubuntu and Install Ubuntu. If you haven’t prepared for the partition, you can choose the try Ubuntu and run the Gparted inside it.

After the Gparted opened, you will need to make the partition. One thing you need to notice that you can create the swap partition. Because the other partitions should be made with the ext4 file system. In this step, you are recommended to create one Extended Partition. We will this extended partition and divide it as four partitions on the Local Partition menu. Create your partition there according to the partition definition above.

5. Install the Ubuntu

After you are done with the partitions, install the Ubuntu by clicking the menu on the desktop. Don’t miss this step because this is an important process of dual boot Ubuntu and Windows 10 installation.

After clicking the install menu, choose the language and you will be in the next menu. Check both of the two options on the desktop. They are the download update menu and third party installation permission. By checking both of them, you will be able to install the third party such as Windows 10. This is important so you can successfully do the dual boot Ubuntu and Windows 10.

You see the menu Installation type, choose the “Something else” to choose the partitions that already created. Choose change on the partitions that you have made. Then click Continue. Then, mount points the /boot partition to the boot file and check the option “format the partition”.

For swap partition, you can use menu “Use as Swap area”. While for the Root partition, mount to / menu. Scroll down your attention and you will see the option of “Device for boot loader installation. Make a change on this menu to the file of the boot partition. After that, click “Install now”. Just do the installation as usual and don’t forget to restart the PC if you finished the installation process. In this process, you are on the halfway of making dual boot Ubuntu and Windows 10.

6. Enter to your Windows

The process of making dual boot Ubuntu and Windows 10 hasn’t finished yet. After the restart, you will still unable to enter or use your Ubuntu. To be able to use it, you need to go to your windows and open the EasyBCD. You can download this application first.

Add the option of Ubuntu by going to the menu Add Entry, then choose Linux/BSD. After that, Choose GRUB (legacy) on the Type. On the “Name” part, just write your Ubuntu version, such as Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. On the part of the drive, chose the partition Boot where you place the boot loader of Ubuntu. Then, choose Add Entry. Now, restart your PC and you will get two options to enter, the Windows 10 or the Ubuntu. If there is an optional menu, choose the Ubuntu menu.

That’s all for the dual boot Ubuntu and Windows 10 steps. It seems such a long steps, but actually, it is the easiest way to do the dual boot. The benefit from this installation is if you did something wrong on the installation, you can just easy to set it without losing the file.