How to Make Check Box in Word Office Easily and Fastly

Check Box in Word

Are you a university student who is going to do research? Then, you just need to create a survey or form worksheet from MS Word. Why? This is because it is a simple option to read and also to answer. Well, talking about a check box in word, do you know how to add it? For your information, to insert blank check box in word is an easy task to do. There are two options to make a checkbox in the Microsoft Office Word. They are only for printing and for content control. Let’s discuss these two options for further details below!

How to Make Check Box in Word Office

In this modern era, you do a lot of things with your computer such as doing an examination, survey, etc. If you are holding the survey and its form is a checkbox list, you must have a check box in word worksheet. Then, how to make a checkbox in your Office Word? Let you read some detailed steps below!

1. Checking your developer tab

Some of Microsoft Offices do not appear the developer tab directly. If it is hidden, you need to display it first. You just need to right-click your ribbon’s background anywhere. After that, let you pick up the option ‘Customize the Ribbon’. Check whether or not the developer tab is available. If it is, click Ok option soon.

Check Box in Word 2016

2. Getting started to insert check box in word document

Check Box in Microsoft Word

Once you have activated the Developer tab, you could insert and add the checkbox. First, place the cursor where you want to make the checkbox. Do not select all the lists for avoiding it being deleted wholly. Then click Legacy Tools menu, choose Check Box (ActiveX Control). Select the checkbox, right click and then choose Checkbox ObjectEdit. Type the information that you want to make. If you want to make check box again just repeat step by step above. To make check or not check, you have to turn off Design Mode, see the picture below.

make a check box in word 2016

Well, for your information, you cannot add the checkbox directly to all lists. Instead, you will do it one by one by repeating the same steps explained before.

3. Picking over the developer tab

After selecting the item or list, you could choose the developer tab. Find out the option ‘Controls Group’. Then, click ‘the Checkbox’. Well, you’re done with it!

CheckBox For Only For Printing Document

This option might not let you insert check box in word document in your personal computer. Instead, you could use pencils or pens to cross the checkbox. Of course, this way is useful for those who do direct research at school, company, etc. Okay, how to add a checkbox for your printed document to-be? Well, let you follow some tips below!

1. Selecting the list

The first thing you should do is selecting the list which you want to insert checkbox. You could use Shift and arrow key working with the text. You could also use your cursor and double click it while you choose the text. Then, go to the Home Tab. After that, choose the Bullets; look for the option Define New Bullet. You need to look at the dropdown list to find it. Soon, you will see the bullet dialog box peeps out.

2. Setting the ‘Define New Bullet’ dialog box

Once the dialog box appears, you must tap Symbol and then ‘Wingdings’. Choose the Checkbox option and Okay twice.

3. Different step for creating a check box in word Doc 2003

If you still use Word 2003 and have not updated as well, you need to do the right-click the list. Then, select option Bullets and Numbering available from the shortcut menu result. After that, choose Any Bullet Style and tap Customize. Click Character in the dialog box existed. Continue with selecting Wingdings and then the checkbox. Then, select Ok twice.

The Advantages of Adding Checkbox

Why do you think you are making a checkbox? You will get some benefits of inserting checkbox to your Word Office. They are:

1. Controlling member attendance

In this recent era, there are many companies use the checkbox to know whether or not the employee is absent. Rather than a traditional list, a checkbox is simple, easy, modern, and work fast.

2. Creating a simple quiz or questioner

People who are busy hate when they are being asked to do a survey. Yet, if your questioner is simple, it is just to cross the checkbox, they would not mind it.

Well, adding a check box in word is surprisingly very easy to do, right? Well, before you add the checkbox, make sure you choose your preference and purpose first. Whether or not you will select the type of only for printing or content control, it is very necessary.

Anyway, if you want to know how to add checkbox in MS Excel, HTML, PHP, and MySQL, you could read our other articles.